Can you function?

Can you function?

Let’s be honest. To be responsible one must know their limits and be proactive about stopping. Also, some of us have medical reasons that make that more difficult or non-existant.
I still consider myself an amateur with weed. So, this means I will not consume it anytime, anywhere. If I'm just chilling with some people or even by myself, I want to make sure I have made no plans to do anything that requires me to do a lot of thinking because I need to focus. I commend those that know how to function while using it without skipping a beat, or at least you think you can function. Out of the hundreds of ways to consume it I've noticed that when I do use cannabis, I smoke out of convenience, and I typically will smoke a hybrid or indica. Even though it's thought that the two different strains do different things, I kind of blew that idea off and thought that it wouldn't make much of difference. I recently purchased a battery to use a cartridge which is a whole other topic in and of itself. Now, that I am actually paying much more attention to how I respond while on cannabis, I think I see what people mean when they say sativa is for daytime use. I still have my thoughts about it though, but I could see what some people mean about the idea behind the two strains. I am still getting myself adjusted to the general use of it so we will see what is to come. Until then, do you think you can function doing everyday task after consumption?
**Use responsibly**
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