

Healthcare is in the process of evolving but this has happened before. Every plant and synthetic compound or even delivery system will have a story.
There is so much to say about marijuana and healthcare. I never completely understood why marijuana was not extensively researched in the past or at least opening the opportunity.
I would like to see more research to regarding how fibroids and hormones react to marijuana.
It's wild to know that before modern medicine there was a plant that was used for so many things outside of recreation. Even though it has taken time I'm glad that western medicine has welcomed the idea of marijuana to care for patients. It is far beyond getting high and there is so much more to unmask on the plant. Even if you are against marijuana it is worth researching to form your own opinion based on fact and not just what you heard someone say. It is definitely worth a try. What do y'all think?
**Use responsibly**
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