Why are jobs STILL drug testing?

Why are jobs STILL drug testing?

Just B.
December 16, 2021
Mayor Brandon M. Scott removes Pre-Employment drug and alcohol screenings for city jobs. Exactly why are jobs still spending money on drug testing when that money could be given to employees or creating less stressful logistics? Wouldn’t we find out if employees are on drugs anyway? If not, is it still harmful to the environment? Let’s weigh in. The Mayor’s decision is said to be an effort to remove exclusionary and inequitable barriers that have prevented otherwise highly-qualified people from obtaining jobs with the City. It is said to ensure that the city effectively recruits the workforce needed to deliver essential services.
Don’t take our word for it. The complete story can be found here: https://mayor.baltimorecity.gov/news/press-releases/2021-12-15-mayor-removes-pre-employment-drug-and-alcohol-screenings-city-jobs
I believe that we have come to a point where we could at least give it a try.
My friend and I went back and forth about this topic. She said that she thinks there should always be drug testing and I disagree. For one, not every job does drug testing for new hires. I understand why pre-employment drug and alcohol tests are important, but I don't think cannabis is the one to look for. I know someone who has never been drug tested at any job that they have had and smoked like a chimney. Meanwhile, I've been drug tested at every job and got nervous thinking that my test would come back positive for something, knowing full well I wasn't using anything. I think using cannabis comes with a responsibility. Just like everything there is a time and a place. I believe it is okay to toke up at your leisure and inappropriate to do so on the job, that seems fair. It's a waste of a process that I think should only be used when there is suspected use on the job. I commend the mayor for making that decision and curious to see how it works out for city employees. What do you think?
**Use responsibly**
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